Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Unicorn dress! (Sheet to Chic 1)

From sheet to chic! (Corny much?)
I have a quick tip for all you crafty lolitas on a budget.
Use sheets to make dresses!

I found this adorable lilac unicorn sheet at St. Vincent Depaul for $1.29 when my mother and I went out garage sale-ing (I also found some G1 My Little Ponies, and got a fantastic lolita blouse from a five family garage sale, pictures later!).

Awhile back for my first convention I wanted to do something casual so I made my own lolita dress from a Simplicity pattern my mother bought me, and that's really how I got into sewing my own lolita clothes. The dress pattern was a little off. It was an empire waist dress, which wasn't very flattering on me...
I made another dress a few months after the convention using the same pattern, but, making the bodice of the dress longer. This worked very well. So, for this dress I used the same trick.
Now the unicorn fabric is a little thin, Which isn't a problem for the skirt if you are wearing a white petticoat, but, for the bodice, it is more a problem. (Also hemming rounded edges is a pain) So I lined the bodice with a light pink fabric which matched the roses on the fabric.
I used a straight piece of fabric, measure how long I wanted it, and added six inches (four inches for the scallops, you have to fold over the fabric and two for seem allowance).
Then I scalloped the bottom, ironed the scallops  and top stitched them, that way they would keep there shape.

I added crinoline from an old failed attempt at a petticoat (That 'thing' was awful. Ick.I'm glad the fabric is going to good use!)
After words I hand stitched the three buttons on. I was having a hard time figuring out how I wanted to do the lace on the bust. I have tried almost all styles of lolita bodices. So this was hard for me. I didn't know what to do or which style I liked better! I eventually decided on a bib look... I'm still not sure if I like it this way... First world problems. (^^I actually decided against the lace used in the image above^^)

 ^^Finished product^^
First time doing detachable waist ties and sheared back (that way it would be more form fitting). I really like how this turned out! This is probably my favorite dress so far. If the skirt was made shorter and was a little less ruffled, this could make a very nice fairy kei dress.
Making dresses for $1.29 like a lady.
I hope you enjoy this tip!
P.S. There will be more posts like this with different sheets. It may even become it's own section of the blog.
~Amelia L. (AKA: Princess Jelly)