Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pink hair.

The adventure of a life time. Pink hair will get you guys yelling from there car saying how they would do you.
Woot... True story. Anyways, I dyed my hair pink! Not for lolita, but, just because I could. I was actually going to dye it a natural dark brown. But, As you probably can guess by now, I'm extremely indecisive. So, I made my friend pick for me. She picked 'Bubble Gum Pink' by the brand 'N' Rage'

Sorry. No makeup. Only glasses.

I turned out very even! I really love it, but, I don't think will dye it pink again. I will just stick to natural colors...
Because the first time we tried this we left it in for 30 minutes even thought the bottle said 15, and we rinsed it out in hot water, but, it turned out a weird sherbet sunset kinda color. It was pink on the top faded to orange, and at the bottom is was blonde.
Hope you enjoyed it.
~Princess Jelly.